
The site pages will give you all the help and information you need to make your stay in Icmeler special.
On the site you will find comprehensive information about Icmeler itself. Including interesting stories about its past present and future.
We wish to tell you a little about the culture of Icmeler and the surrounding area and at the same time intruduce you to some of the fantastic cuisine of the picturesque region.
Also on the web site you will find information that will help you before you travel, with helpfull hints regarding currency, transfers, visas, accomodation and real estate.
The usefull information pages on entertainment, food and drinks, tours and excursions will help you to turn a great holiday into a fantastic one.
By providing you with all the inside information, maps and important telephone numbers we aim to save you time and hassle so you can concentrate on enjoying your stay in the beautiful resort of Icmeler.
The resort itself is set in breathtaking surroundings .
By giving you an in depth guide to what is available in the area you will have the knowlage to explore and discover the regions’ hidden wonders.
With its nearby historical sites, natural wonders and unspoilt bays, Icmeler is the ideal location to stay, explore, relax and soak up the Aegean sun.
If you have any stories, photos or information you would like to see on our website just send it along by email and we will include it for you.